Interest Only Adjustable Rate Mortgage

十大可靠彩票平台有一种住房贷款产品,可以大大降低住房抵押贷款的首付款. 只有利息的可调利率抵押贷款为贷款的前10年提供了一个明显较低的初始付款.

  • 10 year interest only 10/1 ARM loans up to $3,000,000
  • 40年贷款期限
  • Fixed rate interest only payments for 10 years 
  • Principal and interest payments for the next 30 years to fully payoff the loan
  • Annual rate and payment adjustment during the 30 year amortization period
  • Available for properties in all nine Bay Area counties
  • 符合条件的房产包括单户住宅、联排别墅、公寓和多户2-4个单元
  • Available for the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs)


Why did we create a 10-year interest-only 10/1 ARM loan?

We were seeing many people interested in home loans, 哪些人在各方面都符合条件,但希望锁定较低的初始固定利率,以腾出现金用于其他用途.

What type of loan is a 10-year interest-only 10/1 ARM loan?

“只付利息可调利率按揭”是一种贷款,贷款付款仅在贷款的头10年支付“利息”. During this initial period of 10 years, the interest remains fixed. After the initial interest-only period, 利率将在30年内每年调整,付款将是完全摊销期限,共计40年.

During the 10-year initial interest-only period of the loan, 每月支付的利息将仅以按揭贷款的未偿余额为基础. 虽然借款人在头十年不需要额外支付贷款本金,但他们可以, at their discretion, 这样做. If they pay additional principal payments, this will reduce the outstanding balance, and they will pay less interest over the life of the loan. 如果他们选择不支付本金,在贷款的10年只付息期间,也不会减少本金余额. Starting in the 11th year of the loan, 每月支付本金和利息的金额将足以完全偿还未付的本金余额, at the current interest rate, by the end of the 40 year term.

How is the initial interest rate set?

贷款头十年的初始利率是在利率锁定时关闭之前确定的. The Initial Interest Rate is not based on the Index used to make later adjustments. The Initial Interest Rate may reflect a discount or premium. 请询问十大彩票游戏平台目前的初始利率和十大彩票游戏平台目前的利率贴现溢价.


该指数是指按一年固定期限调整后的美国国债每周平均收益率, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. To compute adjustments to the interest rate, 票据持有人将使用变更日期前45天可用的最新索引数字.

Are there prepayment penalties?

不,十大可靠彩票平台的任何贷款都不会有任何提前还款罚款. Loans can be paid off at any time without incurring a prepayment penalty. 每月到期的超过月供的付款金额可用于本金减免. This includes interest-only payments during the initial 10-year period, interest and principal payments during the amortizing period starting in year 11.

For payments that include impounds for taxes and/or insurance, those amounts would need to be included in the monthly payment. 超过应付金额的任何金额均可适用于本金而不受处罚.

What types of properties are eligible?

The 10-year interest-only ARM loan is available for single-family homes, 公寓, 小镇上的房子, and 2-to-4 unit multifamily dwellings.

Can I refinance an existing mortgage with a 10-year interest-only ARM loan?


Will the 10 Year Interest-Only 10/1 ARM use negative amortization?

No. 在只付利息期间,每月需要支付全部到期利息. No interest due may be applied to the principal balance.

Who can apply for a 10-year interest-only 10/1 ARM loan?

所有申请人必须符合十大可靠彩票平台的会员资格,并且年满18岁. Applicants must be able to show proof that they live, 工作到学校, or worship in San Francisco and San Mateo counties.

10年期只付息10/1 ARM贷款的资格还取决于一些其他因素, such as credit scores, 收入, 就业状况, and property value and eligibility.

Are the loan payments fixed during the 10-year Interest-Only period?

No. The interest rate will not vary during this 10-year period. 头120个月的付款将包括未付本金余额的利息,加上要求或要求支付的额外税款和保险费. If the interest payment is made each month, the payment amount will remain the same. 然而, 如果在最初的10年期间的任何一个月有超过只付利息的额外付款, 本金余额将从支付金额超过到期利息的部分中扣除. 本金余额的减少可能会减少下个月到期的利息支付.

How does the interest rate change?

Starting after year 10, 对利率的调整将根据贷款保证金指数的变化每年进行调整. The index, margin and remaining loan balance will determine the new monthly payment. After the 10th year, the interest rate may change a maximum of 2% at each adjustment. These adjustments are also subject to a minimum rate based on the initial fixed-rate, and a maximum rate of not more than 6% above the initial loan rate.

How does the monthly payment change?

The monthly payment can change after ten years and every year thereafter. 十年后, 所需的每月付款将包括本金和利息,其金额足以全额摊销未付本金, at the new interest rate, over the remaining term of the loan. 每月还款额将根据当时的利率和未付余额每年变化. 每月还款额的变动将在利率变动后一个月发生. 每月还款额可能会根据利率或本金余额的变化而大幅增加或减少.

在贷款最初的10年只付息期间,每月还款额也可以改变. 超过上月到期利息的付款金额将减少本金余额. The reduction in principal balance may reduce the amount of the next payment.


What California counties must the property be located in order to be eligible?


Are taxes and insurance required to be paid with the mortgage payment?

No. 然而, 可以提出要求,通过设立扣押或代管的方式来支付税款和保险费,以便在年度税款和保险费到期时支付. 扣押/托管付款每月与定期只付利息或贷款本金和利息一起支付.

Do you charge additional fees for the 10 Year Interest-Only 10/1 ARM loan?

Standard application and loan fees apply for the 10 Year Interest-Only 10/1 ARM loan.

What other home loan options does San Francisco Federal Credit Union provide?

十大可靠彩票平台为会员提供各种常规和大额购房贷款,不受地理工作区域的限制,贷款价值比高达95%(可能会有某些限制)。. 如果您想了解更多关于信用社提供的购房计划的信息, please feel free to call us at 415-359-2977 or email us at (电子邮件保护).

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